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Effect of sodium fluoride, inorganic phosphate, and oxymetholone therapies in osteoporosis: a six-year progress report

. Wednesday, 13 August 2008
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J Gerontol. 1978 Mar;33(2):204-12.

Effect of sodium fluoride, inorganic phosphate, and oxymetholone therapies in
osteoporosis: a six-year progress report.

Vose GP, Keele DK, Milner AM, Rawley R, Roach TL, Sprinkle EE 3rd.

Elderly osteoporotic males treated with sodium fluoride or inorganic phosphate
for 4 years plus 2 years of follow-up observations exhibited a mean but not
significant decrease in the rate of bone mass loss in comparison with those
receiving oxymetholone or a placebo. No hip fractures occurred in the patients
who received fluoride, while 11 hip fractures occurred in the patients in the
phosphate, oxymetholone, and control groups. Because the densitometric trends and
fracture incidence are impressive, the progress of all subjects will be followed
for an additional 4 years.