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Prevalence of the use of anabolic agents among strength training apprentices in Porto Alegre, RS

. Friday 11 July 2008
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Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol. 2007 Feb;51(1):104-10.

[Prevalence of the use of anabolic agents among strength training apprentices in
Porto Alegre, RS]

[Article in Portuguese]

Silva PR, Machado LC Jr, Figueiredo VC, Cioffi AP, Prestes MC, Czepielewski MA.

Faculdade de Medicina, UFRGS, RS.

This study aimed to determine through a questionnaire applied to interviewers,
the current or past use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), as well as other
hormones (OH), and other medicines (OM), food supplement and illicit drugs among
strength training apprentices in the city of Porto Alegre, RS. We interviewed 288
subjects draw from a sample of 13 gyms. The prevalence of current and past use of
AAS was about 11.1% (32/288), OH 5.2% (16/288) and OM 4.2% (12/288). The most
used AAS were nandrolone and stanozolol; the OH were gonadotropin,
triiodothyronine (T3) and OM, like lipostabil, diuretics and veterinary medicines
(Monovin E). The most frequent side-effects were behavioral such as humor
oscillation, irritability and hostility, and endocrine disturbances such as acne
and increased or decreased libido. When analyzed together with other hormones in
a variable named "hormonal agents" (AH), AAS presented a statistical difference
(p< 0.05) among genders considering that the most frequent use of AH occurred
among men and those who consume food supplements. The comparison of these
findings to other national and international results is difficult due to the
epidemiological design. Even if it is considered, the observed prevalence
suggests that preventive attitudes as well as special care in the orientation and
education of this population must be taken.