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Androgen therapy in aplastic anaemia: a comparative study of high and low-doses and of 4 different androgens. French Cooperative Group for the Study of Aplastic and Refractory Anemias.

. Friday, 4 July 2008
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Scand J Haematol. 1986 Apr;36(4):346-52.

Androgen therapy in aplastic anaemia: a comparative study of high and low-doses and of 4 different androgens. French Cooperative Group for the Study of Aplastic and Refractory Anemias

[No authors listed]

ABSTRACT: A prospective randomized study of androgen therapy in aplastic anaemia (AA) was performed: 2 androgens (fluoxymesterone and norethandrolone) at high (1 mg/kg/d) and low (0.2 mg/kg/d) dose were studied on 110 patients; and 4 androgens given at high doses were objectively compared in 125 other cases. When patients are matched for AA severity there is an obvious efficiency of the high-dose androgens in the survival of the less severe cases of aplastic anaemia and in their haematological improvement. The data further show that, among the 4 androgens tested, fluoxymesterone is the most efficient and stanozolol the least. We conclude that androgen therapy is truly efficient in moderately severe aplastic anaemia and that fluoxymesterone (1 mg/kg/d) for 18 months should be chosen as reference drug to any new androgen therapy assay