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Regression of androgen-related hepatic tumors in patients with Fanconi's anemia following marrow transplantation

. Wednesday, 13 August 2008
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Transplantation. 1984 May;37(5):452-5.

Regression of androgen-related hepatic tumors in patients with Fanconi's anemia
following marrow transplantation.

Schmidt E, Deeg HJ, Storb R.

Two patients with Fanconi's anemia treated for 5 years with oxymetholone
developed hepatic function abnormalities in association with hepatic tumors
demonstrated by isotope liver-spleen scan or abdominal echogram. The lesions
resolved over a period of 26 months after allogeneic marrow transplantation, and
the patients are alive and well 3 and 4 years following transplantation. The
course of these patients indicates that marrow transplantation for Fanconi's
anemia allows the withdrawal of androgens and subsequent regression of
androgen-related hepatic tumors in patients who might otherwise have a fatal