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Hepatic lesions in patients on anabolic androgenic therapy.

. Wednesday, 13 August 2008
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Isr J Med Sci. 1983 Apr;19(4):332-7.

Hepatic lesions in patients on anabolic androgenic therapy.

Turani H, Levi J, Zevin D, Kessler E.

The histopathological changes in the livers of 11 patients treated with alkylated
and nonalkylated anabolic androgenic steroids are presented. The histological
changes in the liver included: proliferation of the bile ducts with or without
cystic dilatation (9/11), peliosis (8/11), atypical hyperplasia of liver cells
(2/11), and tumors (3/11). The latter included one case of cholangiocarcinoma,
one of hepatocellular carcinoma, and one of combined cholangiocellular and
hepatocellular carcinoma. The pathological changes in the liver in this series
suggest a possible relationship between anabolic androgenic steroids and bile
duct proliferation and/or cholangiocarcinoma.