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Fanconi anemia. Oxymetholone hepatic tumors, and chromosome aberrations associated with leukemic transition

. Wednesday, 13 August 2008
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Cancer. 1980 Sep 15;46(6):1401-4.

Fanconi anemia. Oxymetholone hepatic tumors, and chromosome aberrations
associated with leukemic transition.

Obeid DA, Hill FG, Harnden D, Mann JR, Wood BS.

Jaundice and hepatomegaly developed in a boy with Fanconi anemia after he had
undergone treatment with oxymetholone for nine years. A liver scan showed patchy
uptake consistent with the presence of space-occupying lesions. After
oxymetholone treatment was stopped, the jaundice resolved, the liver size
decreased, and the filling defects were no longer detectable on the liver scan. A
year later, 5% of his white blood cells showed a consistent chromosomal
abnormality. His leukocyte count increased and 85% of these cells showed the same
chromosomal abnormality. The rapid replication of this abnormal clone suggests
that it was leukemic. The significance of oxymetholone therapy and the occurrence
of hepatic tumors and leukemia is discussed.